Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Republic Day...

This is the day of 65th Republic Day of our Country, INDIA. The day when our constitution came into existence 64 yrs ago by keeping a view in that it will help India to rise in the future. This was the view which has help India to rise to its fame which it has gained in today's world.

Today, still India is dealing with all kinds of problems. I am not saying that problems are not in the developed countries, but the major problem which we face is carelessness, which is not prevalent in the developed ones. People must understand their duties towards the country and the society.

I know today is the day of celebration and I will not destroy its mood by saying such things, but one must understand the face of cruel reality. Their can be different views regarding the same and I don't want to enforce mine on them, but I would like to express it by my simple poetry.

This is the day of celebration and we should think about it. We should think about the way in which, we want India to lead. There are the people who make their Country Proud. After all, Country is made by its people.


आज का दिन है एक देश का
पर क्या एक ही दिन हो देश का
जिस देश ने हमे जन्म दिया
फिर क्या सब दिन न हो देश का।

देश ने कई बार समझाया ,
उसने ये कई बार दिखलाया
कभी आंतको का हमला बनके,
तो कभी बादल को गिराया।

ऐ लोगो अब तो सुधर जाओ तुम,
हर बार यही पुकार सिखाया
कि खुद को कभी अकेला न समझो,
सबको जोड़कर हम बनाया।

क्या किया हम देश वासियो ने,
कई बार इसको गुलाम बनाया
हर बार बस एक ही चीज़ थी,
हम को तोड़कर मैं बनाया।

समाज ने हमे कई बार दर्शाया
कई बार अस्लियत का आइना दिखाया,
क्या अब ये हमारी  बारी नहीं
क्या अब ये हमारा संघर्ष नहीं ?

कि जिस देश को भगवान ने बनाया
जिसे हमारे वीरो ने लहू सजाया,
उस देश को हम अब आगे बढ़ाये
उस देश कि बागडोर अब सही से चलाये।

जो देश सदियो से सोने कि चिड़िया कहलाया
जिस  देश ने सदियो से ज्ञान का सागर फैलया,
उस देश को अब हम फिर बुलाये
उस देश कि चमक उसे वापस लौटाये।

कहते है हर रात के बाद सवेरा आता है
हर गम के बाद ख़ुशी की लहर चलती है,
पर हम कब लायेंगे वो सवेरा
जिस दिन सब मिलकर सही में आज़ाद कहलायेंगे ???

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Friends.....a Boon

Life is very complicated subject that we all get into learning right from birth, but still after the age of 60 yrs or so, we ask to ourselves, what have we done, what have we achieve, where are we? Nobody asks or says how many friends we have, how many road trips have we enjoyed, how many classes we bunked, how many places we roamed, how many moments have we lived?

Guys, life is not just about earning money or comforts or getting into mercedes benz and say all those high level words like management people. It is something which we must live and enjoy. The most important life is that we live with our friends. The most important aspect of life is if we take our life lively.

I think it is not feasible to explain in words the relationship that we share with our friends and family. It is the thinking of each individual to take it in their own way. I am not saying that we should not be serious in life or not care about the future or present, but there are certain moments that are just to live and not to think. After All, we get just one life to live and we should get the most of it so that at the near end of life, when we use the rewind button, it leaves a happiness on our face.

This one is dedicated to all my friends and especially for those, you know, who left me in such a condition that my facial expression gets changed every time they come into my thought.


ज़िन्दगी तो हम सब ही जीते है,
कभी कल कि फ़िक्र में मरते है,
तो कभी आज के गम को रोते है। 

फिर सोचा कि क्या यही है ज़िन्दगी?

सिर्फ कल की फ़िक्र में जीना,
या आज के गम में रोना,
या फिर हर पल बस पैसे कमाना। 

नहीं यार ज़िन्दगी इस्से भी ज़यादा हसीन है। 

दोस्तों की एक आद झप्पी लेना,
बिना सोचे समझे हँसना,
रात रात भर बातें करना,
किसी के लिए दिन भर रोना,
और अगले ही दिन फिर प्यार होना,
कभी किसी और के लिए सोचना,
तो कभी बेवजह लड़ना। 

बस ज़िन्दगी के हर एक पल में जियो,
ज़िन्दगी के हर समय के रस को पियो,
छोड़ दो इन चिंताओ को, गमो को,
कुछ खुशियों के पल दोस्तों से ले लो। 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

God....Hypothetical or Real..

God is the only word which has all the vibrations in this world or rather we must say that we have provided it with all of them that is available. God is a belief, which we must have in order to make us rooted, but is it everything or something or nothing?

I can say about India as I am an Indian. In other words, I have just seen India and had never been anywhere else. In India, God is something that is above everything. People who can't do anything, they blame it to God. People who can do anything, but don't get as per their expectations, they also blame God. Many people take God as a franchise and starts the business of it. There are many parts where still human sacrifices or animal sacrifices are done, just to please God.

God is not a person or someone which we believe he is. It is a belief which keeps us alive. It is a hope not a person somewhere high above on seven skies. It is a hope, which we have made to make this place better. It is a concept that was born just to make people, humans. It is something that makes us realise who we are. It is our prime duty to work and not to blame anyone for what is happening because if God would have been our father, then no one in this world would ever die. God will kill himself for us before taking our lives.

This one is dedicated to the belief that has always been there and will always be.

God is one, as we all believe,
God is ultimate, as we all conceive,
But how is god related to us,
and how can we be sure of him, and perceive.

Love is all, that is asked for,
Love is only, which is not provided with,
God is the one, who is taken granted for,
but is he always there, or concluded with.

God helps those, who help themselves,
God loves those, who love oneself,
but God is just a belief which is there,
In reality people loves those, who love others.

"God is a belief, Let it not overcome your intellect

Otherwise this world will be lawless some day"

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Change....Positive or Negative

Change is something which means a complete transition from oneself to other or an ongoing phase where a person changes from oneself to other. Change is always considered a better one as we learn something and starts changing by adopting new methodologies. 

Change is always rated by looking into one's past and comparing the present with it. Change can also prove fatal if it is brought up by compromising one's past, by compromising the ethics, values or one's nature. It must not be the one, which is initiated by keeping one's whole past at stake and turn out as a whole new individual. These methodologies seldom work as everyone in this world is not MAHATMA VALMIKI who got converted into a saint from a dacoit in one night.

This post is for those who are changing rapidly with time. The continuous change in oneself must not tear them apart from their loved ones.

परिवर्तन या बदलाव 

परिवर्तन या बदलाव, ये नाम है मेरे,
हूँ हर जगह, हर समय में साथ तेरे,
समय का अंश हूँ मैं, समय से बढ़के,
जाएगा कहा, छुपेगा कैसे मुझसे बचके ।

जाऊ जिधर, जिस गली भी गुजरू मैं,
अफ़साने बनाउ, लोगों की भावनाए बनके,
कभी जो लड़े, तो कभी प्यार करे,
पर समझे बिना मेरे सायें में चले ।

गुज़रता है हर इंसान मेरे चौखट से,
कुछ मन से, तो कुछ इतिहास  के डर से,
रहती है  सबकी फ़िक्र मुझे, हर पल में,
पर मतलब से भरी इस नियत को,
समझाउ कैसे प्यार के ढंग से । 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life....on Sky

Life is the only movie, which is the combination of suspense, thriller, action, romance and all other. It is the only journey, which is travelled once without U-turn. It is the only mystery, which is unfolding every minute, every second. Somebody has rightly said that if we want to experience a thrilling adventure just look into the past and if we want to experience suspense, then wait for the future. It is the one, which is chosen by us and still we experience happiness and sadness. It is like a rewind button getting played again and again for the same cassette.

Life is like fire, which is getting ignited every moment. We just need to understand the lust, which we have inside us for something which we are destined to do. Yet, we let go of that zeal burning inside us and do nothing to convert it into an inferno.

Life is like kite, which is flying in the sky without getting detached from its root. It flies according to the wish of the wind, but still gets attached to its ground. Its like the higher we go, we must not forget the root of ours otherwise the wind will take us wherever she wants.

Life is like water, which is still and confined to its own boundaries. There are certain limits, which makes us mortal and binds the approach of life. Life does reflect the aura that is generated by the person itself. One can see the reflection of oneself by just looking into its life. It has the capacity of restraining its thoughts and working ability.

Life is like earth, which is always running with its own speed yet feels like it has stopped somewhere in the middle of the journey. It also gets related to so many surrounding it, in one way or other. It not only weaves its own destiny, but can also be responsible for building many other nests.

This one is dedicated to every living creature on this planet.


ज़िन्दगी ने कई उतार चढ़ाव देखे,
कई बार गिरे, कई बार सीखे,
ज़िन्दगी कि उड़ान भी उन पतंगों की तरह है,
जो एक बार आसमान  पे जाये, तो धरती खोजे ।

ज़िन्दगी की डोर तो वो हाथो में रखे,
पर कुछ भी करने की आज़ादी हमे देके,
जब मन करे खीचता है, छोड़ता है,
और फिर कहता है, मिलता है कर्म करके ।

खुला आसमान है, उड़ती पतंगों का,
खुला आशियाँ है, मन के भवरों का,
चाहे जहा चले जाओ इस जहान में,
आओगे वही जहा बंधा हो छोर मन का ।

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Reality is something which can't be described in words. It gets its silhouette changing from person to person. The definition is very difficult to explain and is much more difficult to feel because we have our own world in which we live. Reality comes as a destructor who destroys our world and makes us believe that we are way away from its staunch form.

We are often busy in our merry-go-round world. We always go behind the fairies of our own world and sometimes forget about the reality that is shaping. Reality, which is way beyond our imagination.

Why does reality and imagination does not match each other?

The answer to this is most simple and yet difficult to understand. Most of us are always busy in imagining our world with all the comforts that we like. We always think of our world around that girl whom we like. In reality, God always decide something that is away from our imagination and thus, it hurts whenever or wherever we get hit by the lightning of reality. It seems like God is always ready to make us get into the reality and enlightens us with the truth that we are living in a hypothetical world.

This post is dedicated to Reality which changes its shape every day, every moment.


जब जब ज़िन्दगी की हक़ीक़त को समझना चाहा,
जब जब ज़िन्दगी के किस्सो को परख न पाया,
सोचा यही कि शायद मुझमे ही कोई कमी हो,
या हक़ीक़त का रूप कोई और सही हो ।

ज़िन्दगी की मैली चादर में हक़ीक़त लिपटी है,
सोच की गहराई से कोसों दूर खड़ी है,
जब जब इस ज़िन्दगी से कुछ माँगना चाहा,
हक़ीक़त की धुंदली परछाई रास्ते में मिली है ।

हक़ीक़त और सोच के बीच के सन्नाटें को,
कई बार कोशिश की ये फासले मिटाने को,
जब जब लगा ये रास्ते तैय हो गये है,
तब तब उसका नया चेहरा आया मुझे डराने को ।

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Stranger is a word, which is attached to us right from birth. Afterall, we come to this world with some relations only. Everything else is created by us.

Stranger is nobody. We meet many people daily, but don't know about them. We see many people walking, talking, eating and doing other stuff in our workplace, schools, colleges, etc. These all are examples of strangers, but how these strangers become known people, we don't even realise.

There are many ways that these strangers become known like some are our workmate, classmate, some are just waving friends or travelling friends because they travel daily from the same route, and many more. The most important two which changes our life are Friendship and Marriage.

Friendship is the one, which is also done with strangers. Friendships are never done by knowing everything or choosing the person from several hundred's. Otherwise, everyone will choose only the celebrities to be their friends. It is the purest form of relation that is developed on the trust. We meet someone and suddenly, the person turns out to be interesting. The feeling is the same and reciprocal if betrayed because we share each and every moment of our life with friends.

Marriage is the one which unites two people forever. Not only we choose a person to live with, but also we allow a person to become the most prominent person of our life. Marriage gives the meaning of enjoying each and every day with our best friend. Life partner or better half just wants a fruitful and truthful friendship from us. Life does not only mean to have money and provide our spouse with all the comforts. We must try to build our relationship with friendship. It will help us enjoy each and every moment of our life. Marriage is just a special kind of friendship which stays with us until our breath.

This post is very special to me, as it is dedicated to someone special who is yet unknown to this fact.


ज़िन्दगी क्या क्या खेल दिखाती है,
कल तक जो पराये थे, उन्हें अपना बनाती है,
जिन्हे कल तक हम जानते भी न थे,
उन्हें आज सपना बनाती है ।

जिसकी एक झलक भी ख्वाबो में न थी,
अब सिर्फ उसी का चेहरा है,
जिसकी आवाज़ कभी सुनी भी न थी,
अब उसकी बातों का असर गेहरा है ।

ले गयी ये ज़िन्दगी है कहाँ हमे,
रास्ते में हर वक़्त खोजू निशाँ मैं, 
हर पल एक अजीब सा ख्याल डराता है,
कही वो भूल न जाये हमे,
ये सोच बार बार मन उन्से बाते करने जाता है ।

Monday, January 6, 2014

Time.....The Most Beautiful Tragedy....

Today....I am going to write about the tragedy that we face very often or rather daily in our most busy and most wonderful life. We say we can understand the value of time and repeatedly make the mistake of underestimating time.

Time has got a saying that it changes with time. It is very true, it changes, but it also makes other's change. A friend of ours with whom we have spent days and nights may turn out to be stranger the other day. A friend of ours with whom we have worked and shared major secrets may suddenly become a stranger to us. Many a time, a person with whom we have expectations fail us in time.

Actually, the root cause of all this changes and everything that responds in an alien way, is the expectation. we expect that if we have talked to a person often, then he/she must respond to us. Situation changes with time and as a result the expectations must also come to an end.

The biggest example of this is our country India. India has got divided several years ago, but was it expected. If we trace few hundred years back, then nobody would have expected that India would ever get divided. Moreover, it would not be the question that these two countries would be the enemies of each other.

Thus, this small dedication to INDIA and TIME that has played major role in its making.

हिंदुस्तान ….... समय के साथ 

कैसी ये कहानी है लगती थोड़ी बेगानी है,
एक मुल्क के तीन हिस्से कर गए सियासतदानो ने ।

वो देश जो कभी खुशहाल था,
उसे छोड़ गए तकरारों में, परदेश के पहरेदारो ने,
जहा कभी थी सड़के पड़ी, उस जमीन का रंग अब लाल है,
आज़ाद होकर भी, लोग यहाँ बेहाल है ।

कैसे भूल पाओगे जंग-ऐ-आज़ादी  के शहीदो को,
जो कूद  पड़े थे आग में आन की रक्षा करने को,
लाखो बर्बाद  हुए , मरे, इस देश की आन बचाने को,
हमने बदले में उन्हें दिये एक और लड़ाई लड़ने को ।

इस अनंत दुश्मनी के कारण कई लोग यहाँ बेकार हुए,
अपनी जान बचाने को अपने घर, देश से बहार हुए ।  

कैसे मिटा पाओगे खून के उन धब्बों को,
जो हमने इस धरती पे लगाये, एक अलग मुल्क पाने को,
कैसे भूल पाओगे इतिहास की,  उन भूली  बिसरी यादो को,
जो याद दिला देती है, देश के सुनहरे क्षणों को ।

जिस देश की उसी धरती पे, सब मिलकर साथ रहते थे,
त्यौहार साथ मानते थे, दुःख को मिलकर सहते थे,
तक़दीर ने एक खेल किया, इनको दुश्मनी का भेंट दिया,
लड़ते है आज मुद्दो पर, कभी भाई भाई कहते थे । 

ऐसी इनकी कहानी है, जो लगती थोड़ी अनजानी है,
एक मुल्क के तीन हिस्से हो गए सियासतदानो से । 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Colour of Life.......

Colour is something which makes one's life always cheerful. Colour is something which makes our life worth living. Colour is responsible for making a person what he is. A person will not be able to achieve its goal if he/she lives a life without enjoyment, merrymaking, which is the core element of our living.

Life is something which we can't regret living. Someone has rightly said,"We all have got our lives because of some purpose and the life that we are living is chosen by us" then what is the need of getting sad because of just one moment? 

The moment is chosen by us, maybe to motivate ourselves for the greater challenges that we may be facing in our upcoming life.

As Shakespeare said that Life is a stage and we are mere characters. Thus, Life's every moment is like a teaching which helps us learn and prepare us. With this thought.....Let us live our life with all the colours that we can have.

ज़िन्दगी के रंग 

हर लम्हे को कई रंगो में बदलती है ज़िन्दगी,
हर लम्हे  जीये बिना केहती है ज़िन्दगी,
ईस ज़िन्दगी ने हमे आखिर दिया ही क्या है,
हर लम्हे के कई रंग खुद में भर्ती है ज़िन्दगी।

ज़िंदा होने पर भी हमे ज़िन्दगी का ऐहसास नहीं,
ज़िंदा होने पर भी क्यों ज़िन्दगी लगती ख़ास नहीं,
ऐसा क्यों होता है कि कुछ पल हमे डराते है,
ज़िंदा होने पर भी क्यों हम लेते साँस नहीं। 

लाखों है रंग अपने जीवन में भरने को,
करोड़ो है रंग बाँकी ईस जीवन में जीने को,
हर पल जीवन कुछ हसीन पल है दिखाती,
पलो कि कूँची है मिली ये जीवन का कागज़ रंगने को।

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year eve........

With every passing moment of the year 2013, it feels like I am losing something behind. The year which has taken away its charm from me. The year which has taken the chance of re-living it from me. The year which has taken its warmth feeling of living in the year 2013.

But, it has also provided me with a lot of new experience which has never occurred in the past years, and will never occur in the future years. It has provided me with some very good friends without whom it looks like the year itself is incomplete. 

Whenever, a new year comes, we always get into the celebration for welcoming the new year. We party, celebrate, meet with friends and hang out. 

Have we ever thought about the year which has passed? 

The year which has passed always tells us to remember it. It always asks us to remember the good experiences and also the bad ones. It always asks us to remember them, who are not the part of our beautiful world any more. 

The year 2013 has also faced one the major calamities faced by our country. Let's remember all of them for one moment and try to dedicate our lives to improve this planet so that, in future no mother has to lose his son. No children have to live all their life without their parents. No family has to live their life in regret for their loved ones.

Let us all take a pledge to go green in the forthcoming years and make this a better place to live.

New Year

A year is passing away taking all its charm, 
A year is coming to embrace us in its warm.

A year has passed away with someone's regrets, 
Yet people are welcoming the newer one with greater fests.

A year is gathering all its memories, 
Yet people are preparing for the new fairies.

A year has grown old and died, 
Yet people are celebrating the newly wed bride.

A year has lost many of its companions, 
Yet people are cutting cakes and opening champagnes.

A year has come with newer responsibilities, 
A year has passed by teaching sensibilities.