Colour is something which makes one's life always cheerful. Colour is something which makes our life worth living. Colour is responsible for making a person what he is. A person will not be able to achieve its goal if he/she lives a life without enjoyment, merrymaking, which is the core element of our living.
Life is something which we can't regret living. Someone has rightly said,"We all have got our lives because of some purpose and the life that we are living is chosen by us" then what is the need of getting sad because of just one moment?
The moment is chosen by us, maybe to motivate ourselves for the greater challenges that we may be facing in our upcoming life.
As Shakespeare said that Life is a stage and we are mere characters. Thus, Life's every moment is like a teaching which helps us learn and prepare us. With this thought.....Let us live our life with all the colours that we can have.
ज़िन्दगी के रंग
हर लम्हे को कई रंगो में बदलती है ज़िन्दगी,
हर लम्हे जीये बिना केहती है ज़िन्दगी,
ईस ज़िन्दगी ने हमे आखिर दिया ही क्या है,
हर लम्हे के कई रंग खुद में भर्ती है ज़िन्दगी।
ज़िंदा होने पर भी हमे ज़िन्दगी का ऐहसास नहीं,
ज़िंदा होने पर भी क्यों ज़िन्दगी लगती ख़ास नहीं,
ऐसा क्यों होता है कि कुछ पल हमे डराते है,
ज़िंदा होने पर भी क्यों हम लेते साँस नहीं।
लाखों है रंग अपने जीवन में भरने को,
करोड़ो है रंग बाँकी ईस जीवन में जीने को,
हर पल जीवन कुछ हसीन पल है दिखाती,
पलो कि कूँची है मिली ये जीवन का कागज़ रंगने को।
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