Sunday, January 19, 2014

Friends.....a Boon

Life is very complicated subject that we all get into learning right from birth, but still after the age of 60 yrs or so, we ask to ourselves, what have we done, what have we achieve, where are we? Nobody asks or says how many friends we have, how many road trips have we enjoyed, how many classes we bunked, how many places we roamed, how many moments have we lived?

Guys, life is not just about earning money or comforts or getting into mercedes benz and say all those high level words like management people. It is something which we must live and enjoy. The most important life is that we live with our friends. The most important aspect of life is if we take our life lively.

I think it is not feasible to explain in words the relationship that we share with our friends and family. It is the thinking of each individual to take it in their own way. I am not saying that we should not be serious in life or not care about the future or present, but there are certain moments that are just to live and not to think. After All, we get just one life to live and we should get the most of it so that at the near end of life, when we use the rewind button, it leaves a happiness on our face.

This one is dedicated to all my friends and especially for those, you know, who left me in such a condition that my facial expression gets changed every time they come into my thought.


ज़िन्दगी तो हम सब ही जीते है,
कभी कल कि फ़िक्र में मरते है,
तो कभी आज के गम को रोते है। 

फिर सोचा कि क्या यही है ज़िन्दगी?

सिर्फ कल की फ़िक्र में जीना,
या आज के गम में रोना,
या फिर हर पल बस पैसे कमाना। 

नहीं यार ज़िन्दगी इस्से भी ज़यादा हसीन है। 

दोस्तों की एक आद झप्पी लेना,
बिना सोचे समझे हँसना,
रात रात भर बातें करना,
किसी के लिए दिन भर रोना,
और अगले ही दिन फिर प्यार होना,
कभी किसी और के लिए सोचना,
तो कभी बेवजह लड़ना। 

बस ज़िन्दगी के हर एक पल में जियो,
ज़िन्दगी के हर समय के रस को पियो,
छोड़ दो इन चिंताओ को, गमो को,
कुछ खुशियों के पल दोस्तों से ले लो। 

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