Reality is something which can't be described in words. It gets its silhouette changing from person to person. The definition is very difficult to explain and is much more difficult to feel because we have our own world in which we live. Reality comes as a destructor who destroys our world and makes us believe that we are way away from its staunch form.
We are often busy in our merry-go-round world. We always go behind the fairies of our own world and sometimes forget about the reality that is shaping. Reality, which is way beyond our imagination.
Why does reality and imagination does not match each other?
The answer to this is most simple and yet difficult to understand. Most of us are always busy in imagining our world with all the comforts that we like. We always think of our world around that girl whom we like. In reality, God always decide something that is away from our imagination and thus, it hurts whenever or wherever we get hit by the lightning of reality. It seems like God is always ready to make us get into the reality and enlightens us with the truth that we are living in a hypothetical world.
This post is dedicated to Reality which changes its shape every day, every moment.
जब जब ज़िन्दगी के किस्सो को परख न पाया,
सोचा यही कि शायद मुझमे ही कोई कमी हो,
या हक़ीक़त का रूप कोई और सही हो ।
ज़िन्दगी की मैली चादर में हक़ीक़त लिपटी है,
सोच की गहराई से कोसों दूर खड़ी है,
जब जब इस ज़िन्दगी से कुछ माँगना चाहा,
हक़ीक़त की धुंदली परछाई रास्ते में मिली है ।
हक़ीक़त और सोच के बीच के सन्नाटें को,
कई बार कोशिश की ये फासले मिटाने को,
जब जब लगा ये रास्ते तैय हो गये है,
तब तब उसका नया चेहरा आया मुझे डराने को ।
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