Sunday, March 2, 2014


First of all, This one is not mine as I could not have written it without watching the first episode of second season of Satyamev Jayate, hosted by Mr. Aamir Khan.

Woman is the most important part of our life. The part which makes us complete and also is the bringer of new life. It is the one that understands our emotions, feelings and thoughts very well. It is also the one that motivates us to our goals and decisions. I think, this is the reason that we call our earth as mother earth. Woman are the only one who can bear the pain of bringing a new life in this world then, after being raped, why do they lose or get broken down? The sole reason is us.

The period of overcoming the trauma of rape is the most crucial period. This is the only period when the support is needed. The woman requires her family, relatives, people, the most at that stage. If not provided, they lose the self-confidence. Its like, somebody has snatched the sole reason of living from them. After all, the woman is the only one, who is attached to the family, the most.

Please, do not hesitate to help and also do not molest anyone regarding this fact or any other thing.


woman is not only a word, but a reality
which provide this world, with its sustainability
The fact which cannot be declined is
woman is the one which provide its centricity.

How can a single instance bring them down,
The woman which gives a life, with its own life.
How can rape prove fatal and frown,
when a person can bear the pain of life.

We must ensure that we become competent,
We must fight reality and not be patient.
Woman are the other half of world,
We must support them, respect them as
they are the main fire bringer and latent.


औरत इस समाज का दर्पण है
हमारे अंदर है, और बाहर है 
हम डरते है ये कहने से 
कि औरत ही हमारा कारण है । 

एक औरत ही है जो इंसान को सवाँरे 
उसे प्यार करे, उसे निखारे
ज़िन्दगी भर साथ वो औरत ही देती है,
जो कभी माँ बनकर तो कभी बहन या पत्नी 
के रूप में हमे हर इम्तिहान से उभारे ।

रात के अँधेरे में माँ की गोद ही याद आती है
मायूस होने पर बहन की हँसी ही मुस्कुराहट लाती है
दिन भर काम के बाद पत्नी को ही दिल का हाल सुनाते है,
फिर क्यों हम उसे ही दोषी ठहराते है,
जो हर वक़्त हमे हौंसला दिलाती है ।

मैं इतना ही कहूँगा इस दुनिया से, सब से,
ज़िन्दगी में कई दिक्कते आती है ।
एक बालात्कार से सब ख़त्म नहीं हो जाता,
वो औरत उसे भी सेह जाती है ।
उस समय में हमे उसका साथ देना चाहिए,
क्योंकि वो उसकी नाज़ुक घड़ी है ।
जिसने जीवन भर आपको पाला, बड़ा किया,
उन कुछ पालो में वो बस थोड़ा सहारा चाहती है ।

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